Worship at Saint Columba’s
On this page, you may find links to our various worship services and online fellowship activities.
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For all posted videos: Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-722573.

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Download Service Bulletin and Click-Links to Facebook and YouTube for Livestreamed Sunday Services

First Sunday in Lent, March 9, 9:30 a.m.

To download the Service Bulletin, click here.
To view the livestreamed service on Facebook, click here. Or on YouTube, click here.
- Cover art: “In the Wilderness,” Ron DiCianni, https://www.tapestryproductions.com/product/in-the wilderness-artwork-by-ron-dicianni/
Ash Wednesday. March 5, 7:00 p.m. at St. Columba’s Episcopal Church

To download the Service Bulletin, click here.
To view the livestreamed service on Facebook, click here. Or on YouTube, click here.
The Last Sunday after the Epiphany, March 2, 9:30 a.m.

To download the Service Bulletin, click here.
To view the livestreamed service on Facebook, click here. Or on YouTube, click here.
- Cover art: “Transfiguration of Christ,” Fra Angelico, fresco, (between 1439-1443),
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fra_Angelico_042.jpg.
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 16, 9:30 a.m.

To download the Service Bulletin, click here.
To view the livestreamed service on Facebook, click here. Or on YouTube, click here.
Cover art: “Sermon on the Mount,” (ca. 1887), Friedrich Karl Hermann von Uhde, oil on canvas.
Contemplative and Taizé Services:
Three Congregations Taizé

In September 2016, here at St. Columba’s Episcopal Church, Fr. Greg Larkin and Carol Browning began a new ministry of offering Taizé-style prayer, as part of Fr. Greg’s overall vision of creating contemplative worship experiences there. When the pandemic hit, these contemplative services were done in an online manner only. For those unfamiliar with this type of prayer, Taizé is an international, ecumenical community in France, dedicated to peace and reconciliation, whose prayer includes meditative singing, scripture, silence, and spoken prayer. The meditative singing of simple refrains repeated many times allows the words—often as simple as “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”—to truly settle into our hearts.
With the growing partnership of the Three Congregations (Camarillo United Methodist, Mount Cross Lutheran, and St. Columba’s Episcopal Churches), we will be bringing back an in-person Taizé-style prayer, held in the intimate setting of the Mount Cross sanctuary (102 Camino Esplendido, 93010) on the 2nd Friday of each month. The next Taizé service will be March 14, at 7:00 p.m.
If you are interested in participating as a musician, lector, or intercessor, please contact the Mount Cross office (office@mountcross.com or 805-482-3847).
At this time, the Three Congregations Taizé services are not being recorded. Previously recorded services may be found on the St. Columba’s YouTube channel, click here.
Or on the St. Columba’s Facebook page here.
The Livestream team is pleased to announce that it is now streaming the Sunday services to YouTube as well as to Facebook. You can reach either channel by clicking on the appropriate icon at the top right hand side of our web page (https://stcolumbaca.com). Happy viewing!

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