Ministry Spheres at St. Columba’s
Liaison: Maurice Hill
Fall 2024 Pledge Program at a Glance – Walk in Love
The theme for this year’s Stewardship Campaign is Walk in Love. Immediately below is a list of the bulletin inserts produced by The Episcopal Network for Stewardship. We will be using these reflections each week through our Stewardship Program. Click the link to open the file.
- September 15: Accompaniment
- September 22: Authenticity
- September 29 Crossing Boundaries
- October 6: God Walks with Us
- October 13: Paradox
- October 20: Perseverance
- October 27: Receiving Love
- November 3: The Offertory
- Stewardship Sermon / All Saints’ Sunday
- November 10: Village
- November 17:
- November 24:
- December 1: Please return your pledge card by this date. Fr. Michael will bless all pledge card received to date.
Budget & Finance—Gail Hill
The Budget and Finance Committee is a group of committed individuals who prepare the budget annually based on inputs of expense from each ministry and based on the projected income of pledges and other sources. The group works with the Vestry to finalize a balanced budget each year. In addition, the group meets monthly to review the status of the budget and make recommendations to the Rector and Vestry on any changes needed to keep our parish financially strong. The Treasurer is an automatic member of this committee.
Stewardship Committee—Maurice Hill
Annual Stewardship Campaign
The Stewardship Committee plans and carries out the stewardship program for time, talent, and treasure for St. Columba’s.
The pledge campaign begins in October, with the mailing of a Stewardship letter and pledge and time and talent cards. The Stewardship committee distributes a Narrative Budget at both services in early November and hosts a coffee hour after each service that Sunday to answer questions about the Narrative Budget. Also on that day, a Stewardship teaching, is presented at both Sunday services.
Endowment Fund–Maurice Hill
St. Columba’s Endowment Fund Committee was established by the Vestry in 2005 to form and implement a Planned Giving Program for St. Columba’s. The committee members meet once a month to come up with ideas to increase planned giving in the parish as well as safeguard the funds that have already been entrusted to them. They also host a thank you event for the entire parish and an event for the Iona Society.
Iona Society
Planned Giving is about giving to the Church through the use of estate plans and wills, cash donations, and other vehicles, so that future ministries at St. Columba’s will be assured. Planned Giving is separate from your annual pledge.
The Iona Society is made up of those individuals who have included St. Columba’s in their estate plans or have in some other way contributed to the St. Columba’s Endowment Fund.
Each week after the 10:15 service at least 3 individuals meet to count all the money that is collected at the morning services, as well as counting any funds that are collected during the week. Accounting is made of the cash as well as the checks and pledges. One of the members of the group takes the cash and checks to the bank for deposit each Sunday.
Buildings & Grounds—Susan Doswell
The Buildings & Grounds Committee formed this past year to evaluate the needs of the St. Columba’s campus and to make recommendations for repair and maintenance projects required to keep our buildings and grounds in a safe and attractive manner, as well as to make long-range plans.
Monday Morning Work Group
The Monday Morning Work Crew is the most visible sign of those who care for the Buildings and Grounds. This group faithfully meets on Monday mornings to do work around the property.
There is also a group that works in January to trim the roses. Anyone is welcome to join. There are periodically projects that need to be done to care for the multiple buildings and the grounds entrusted to our care. Some work is contracted out but some is done by parishioners.
Recycling—John Kromka
There are 3 bins behind the wall outside the church to use for your recycling of glass, aluminum and plastic bottles. Besides helping the environment all the proceeds go to our Food Programs. Help is needed to sort recycling and help haul it to be reclaimed.