Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

To read the text of Fr. Greg Larkin’s homily for Sunday, July 11, click here.

To view the YouTube video off Fr. Greg’s homily, click here.

Or click the YouTube viewer at the bottom of the page.

Here is the Homework Assignment from Fr. Greg:

So I have some HOMEWORK for you.

– What!   Homework?   – its summer!

  1. But, nonetheless, here it is:

– I’d like you to write a Spiritual Autobiography focusing on the significant people in your spiritual life – like I just did.

  1. Who are the people who made you who and what you are spiritually?
  2. Set some time aside and think about it

– and then list those people who have made a difference in your life and helped you to be the Christian that you are today.

  1. Ponder too those people for whom you might have been a spiritual example – or perhaps those people for whom you want to be a spiritual example.
  2. And then, when you have your list – thank God for each person on it – your heroes and others – you might want to thank them individually too, if you can – but hold them up before God and offer a thank you for what they have meant to you.
  3. And then look to the future, and who or what might be continuing to mold your walk with God – as you look to the spiritual person you might become.