
Ministry Spheres at St. Columba’s


Heaven’s Helpers

Lunch Bunch—Michele Hauser, Steve Hauser, and Diane Off

This is a time for fellowship and fun once a month. Michele and her husband Steve, and Diane Off prepare lunch. The group gathers at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month from October through June.  Sign up on the list in the Narthex of the Church if you’d like to come. All are welcome!

The next Lunch Bunch will be on Wednesday, September 25.

Prayer Tree—Carol Browning

The Prayer Tree is here for you. If you need prayers or know of someone who needs prayers you may fill out a Prayer Request Card found in the pews, or call the Church Office at 482-8831.  New members are always welcome.

Health Ministries—Ann Luthringer

The Health Ministries continues to meet regularly through-out the year to identify health-related needs within the parish, to plan and to provide educational programs and events addressing those needs. Most of the members of the group are R.N.’s.

                Parish Nurses—Teri Helton


                Meals to Shut-Ins

Daughters of the King—Nancy Miller

St. Columba’s Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King at St. Columba’s Church is a chapter of the National Order of the Episcopal Church.  Our chapter meets once a month, usually the first Saturday.  They have a threefold mission of prayer, service, and the spread of Christ’s kingdom.

Membership in DOK is open to all women in the parish.  Visitors are welcomed at any meeting.

For His Sake…

I am but one, but I am one.

I cannot do everything, but I can do something.

What I can do, I ought to do.

What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.

Lord, what will you have me do?

Celtic Courier—Carol Browning

Coffee Hour

Refreshments are provided by members of the parish to enhance our fellowship after each service on Sunday morning. Anyone can volunteer for this ministry. The sign-up list is in the Parish Hall.

Arts and Crafts—Ann Luthringer

We have a weekly craft group for those who like to do arts and crafts. The group meets every Wednesday afternoon for 2 hours in the Parish Hall to share ideas and patterns, seek assistance and solutions for individual craft problems and sharing recipes as well as general conversation. Come join the group any Wednesday.

Family Fellowship

Young families with and without children join periodically for fun events both at the church and at parishioners’ homes.

 Parish Events

The Parish puts on a number of events during the year where help of all types is needed.  Some of these events include the BBQ, the Wine Fest and the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Help is requested at the time of the event and many hands make light work.

Parish BBQ

Wine Fest

Memorial Ministries—Nancy Hey & Norma McQuade

The members of the Memorial Ministry along with Fr. Greg meet with the family to help plan the service and a reception. The group then helps with the service, provide the reception and may follow up with contact to the family.

Bereavement Group—Teri Helton

Website and eNewsletter—Bob Waite

Celtic Cross

Facebook page— Bob Waite

Transportation to Services/Events

Periodically or on a regular basis, parishioners need a ride to church.